2021-22 SNO Board!

Sunflower over a blue sky with “Welcome New Board Members” in white and the SNO logo in the bottom left corner.

Sunflower over a blue sky with “Welcome New Board Members” in white and the SNO logo in the bottom left corner.

Update 5/3: Caleigh Souhan will be moving to a different neighborhood soon so she will no longer be serving on the board- we will miss her! Sean Wall who was an alternate will take her place on the board- we are happy to have him back!


SNO would like to welcome our seven new Board Members! We expanded the board to 11 seats this year and are so excited to have new faces join us in serving the neighborhood:
- Dolores Cano-Martinez
- Lila Diver
- Marina Duchesneau
- Sam Palmer
- Amy Peterson
- Michael Rosenberg
- Maryjo Vickers

And welcome back to our awesome board members who have been re-elected to serve another term:
- Kaylee Bond
- Carin Peterson
- Caleigh Souhan
- Joy Smallfield

We would also like to extend a deep thank you to the board members who are leaving us this year- we have so appreciated everything you have brought to the table:
- Britta Dornfeld
- Seaen Kosmides
- Sean Wall
Thank you!!

View more about each Board Member here: https://www.sheridanneighborhood.org/s/SNO-Board-of-Directors-Election-20212.pdf